2.7 Ask not what your civilization can do for you – ask what you and we can do to survive, thrive and fulfil our potential

You might expect the author of a book like this to tell you that your job is to save the world. No. In the first instance, you have to look after yourself and those around you to make sure that New Magna Carta Mediumyour basic needs are met. Your primary duty is to survive, thrive if you can, and pass on life. Your duty, like that of every living being, is to adapt to the situation in which you find yourself and achieve your maximum potential. That may sound selfish but it isn’t. You are only useful to others if you are alive, well and able to function. Be aware of your desires, impulses, vocation, values, dreams, purpose, needs and your environment, including the opportunities, threats, emerging situation, demand, trends and your competitive position. You need to use your judgement and instinct to find the best possible niche for you right now.

To echo President Kennedy, ask not what Western Civilization can do for you – ask what you should do in order to survive and thrive, fulfil your potential and help your family, friends, community, nation, Civilization and emerging global tribe to do the same.


How can I best become aware of my circumstances? 

What events, opportunities, threats and future are emerging? 

What is the highest potential here? 

What needs to happen? 

What choices can I make to maximise my/our chances of thriving? 

How can I help my family, my business, my work group, my hospital ward, my school, my police station to adapt, survive, thrive and flourish? 

How do I fit in to the big picture? 

What is my purpose and mission?

What are my skills, gifts and vocation?

What difference can I make?