22.19 Suppress the gender bigot

Healthy feminism has stood up to patriarchal power and male sexism. It helped women New Magna Carta Smallempower themselves as equals in many areas of life. That is a wonderful thing and we need to do it even more effectively. Unhealthy feminism has encouraged the hatred of men, contempt for masculinity, the emasculation of men and boys, the devaluing of fatherhood and the suggestion that all men are predators and abusers. Unhealthy feminism has promoted the masculinity of women and the femininity of men, while disrespecting and undermining the femininity of women and the masculinity of men. We need to promote the healthy expression of both masculinity and femininity in both genders. Women can choose to be feminine, to be mothers or wives who support their husbands, if they want. Women can choose to be sexual and to dress however they want. We need strong, confident men, exhibiting healthy masculinity combined with a healthy dose of inner femininity. We need good fathers, grandfathers, uncles and sons. We need to value fathers as highly as we value mothers. We should accept that there are some biological differences between the sexes, while also accepting that many gender differences are also a matter of choice, culture and upbringing. We must suppress both the male chauvinist, patriarchal bigot and the anti-feminine, man-hating bigot.