22.9 Distinguish healthy and unhealthy politics

Each strand of politics has healthy and unhealthy manifestations. For any particular issue, we New Magna Carta Mediumshould take the healthy strands and design the best solution. We need to suppress the unhealthy strands. The healthy left is sincerely motivated by a desire for social justice, fairness, equality, peace, an end to exploitation of the weak by the powerful, community, togetherness, protection and care for the vulnerable. The unhealthy left is driven by jealousy, envy, resentment, guilt, shame, revenge, self-destructiveness, self-hatred, desire for control and domination, entitlement and freeloading. The healthy right desires peace through security, no crime, prosperity, positive patriotism, freedom, independence and just reward for hard work, discipline, sacrifice and creativity. The unhealthy right is motivated by elitism, superiority, desire to exploit, callousness, lack of compassion, desire to entrench privilege, nationalism, intolerance, selfishness, entitlement and materialism.