23.1 Everyone has equal value as a being, equal rights and equality before the law

How do we give everyone a fair chance to achieve their potential?

New Magna Carta Medium

How do we bring the alienated into the mainstream with dignity and compassion?

How do we prevent privileged cabals rigging the system to maintain power and exclude others? 

How do we support, enable, empower and inspire those who are not fulfilling their potential?

How do we flush out freeloaders?

How can welfare be fair and empowering?

How can life be fair if we are not all equal? 

What is a healthy hierarchy? 

Why are people different?

How do we evolve from a culture of entitlement to one of empowerment, maximising potential, freedom with fairness and responsibility?

All citizens of a nation are equal before the law and have equal rights. For that to be meaningful in practice, we must ensure that people have equal access to legal representation.