3.4 Use your gut instinct

Our ancient wisdom, folklore, intuition and common sense tell us that our gut is involved in making decisions. We often use the phase, ‘What’s your gut feeling?’ Most of us have, at some New Magna Carta Mediumpoint, made a decision with our head, and then realised that our gut (and heart) have a contrary view. We may experience this gut feeling as warmth, pain, discomfort, anxiety, diarrhoea, sickness, gurgling or butterflies. Often it is only a very subtle feeling. Our gut guides us with decision-making. Science is slowly recognising ancient wisdom and instinct. The gastrointestinal system is essential for providing us with nutrition, for excreting waste, for maintaining our fluid balance and for keeping us free from disease, but it also has its own nervous system, which is equivalent in size to the brain of a cat. There is a sound neurological basis for gut instinct, but scientifically we are only beginning to understand it. We have become too logical and too rational in our way of thinking, relating and leading. We need to reconnect with our bodily instincts, not least our gut instinct, which helps guide us in our decision-making and in our emotional life, playing a big role in our health and well-being.