7.8 Heal racial wounds

As tribal animals we become part of a group consciousness. This can include feelings of guilt, New Magna Carta Mediumshame, anger, resentment and revenge for past wounds. All countries and tribes have been invaded, attacked, colonised and exploited at some time. The legacy of that lives on in our group consciousness. To break the cycle of abuse, revenge and hatred we need to take charge of our emotions and be fully responsible for ourselves now in the present day, releasing the tribal resentments of the past. That is easier said than done because they lay deep in our unconscious. When awakened, this most destructive force can lead to war and genocide. We must redouble our efforts to release past hatreds and resentments to be free from victim mentality and primitive tribal impulses. We must take responsibility for the world today and for our own actions. Healing racial wounds requires us to forgive and release the past through education, acknowledgement, reconciliation and justice.