7.10 Where apparent racial inequalities exist, address the underlying causes

It is in the interest of the whole for all of the parts to be healthy, happy and prosperous. If any part of us is unhappy or unhealthy, we all suffer. Where there are systematic differences New Magna Carta Mediumbetween racial groups in wealth, opportunity, crime, sexual behaviour and religious extremism, we must objectively examine the causes of these differences and, where necessary, implement remedies. Where there is a group disproportionately engaging in crime, we need to take an honest look at the underlying causes rather than playing the blame game, promoting racism or indulging victim mentality. Where particular racial groups are over or under-represented in particular workplaces, we should explore why that might be, whether it matters and, if so, what could be done to empower the under-represented groups and remove institutional prejudice. We must empower, educate and enable all of our people, making sure that the enjoy equality of opportunity and can become successful members of our common team.