11.17 Make reasonable accommodations to enable people to practise their religion, but never appease manipulation, supremacism or colonial activity

All of society has the responsibility to make reasonable accommodations to enable others to New Magna Carta Mediumpractise their religion and beliefs so long as they live by the rules of the New Magna Carta and are sincere in their religious belief rather than playing the system to advance sectarian or colonial ambitions. Employers should enable people to take the time they need to pray, worship and celebrate holy days. No group should receive extra time or benefits. Religion must never be as a pretext for segregating people. Where it is reasonable, practical and affordable to do so, people should be enabled to eat according to the rituals and restrictions of their religion. Those rituals or restrictions should never be imposed on anyone else, nor is it acceptable for that to be used as a means of isolating a religious minority from the mainstream. Social cohesion and togetherness as one people must always be the prime consideration, and religious people must submit to that need or choose to live outside of the West.